9 Romantic Valentine’s Day Gift Ideas for Otakus!
7. Handmade Chocolate and Deco-choco
Handmade chocolates are, literally, a sweet gift for your Valentine. Now, in Japan, on V-day usually women give chocolates to their beloved men but there’s another day for the men to display their love or reciprocate the feelings and that is White Day which falls on March 14th. In any case, making chocolate hearts like the above are fairly easy. You can follow the recipe and steps for those pretty and delectable hearts here.
And if you think chocolate hearts are too cliché or too simple, you can make chocolates that are more relevant for your other otaku half!
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These are just amazing! And they are completely edible which is double the sweetness! You can click on the picture’s link above for the tutorial on those delicious sweets, especially that layered Zaku chocolate. Yum!
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Pretty mind-blowing, right? Think of all the time and effort in making these deco-choco, the sincerity and love put into painstakingly drawing the characters. Your Valentine will surely be moved to tears. Again, check out the links above for inspiration on how to make these awesome kyara-choco (that means “chara-choco” as in character-chocolate)!
8. Bento Boxes Made With Love
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Making food is the best way to show your love and sincerity. After all, as the saying goes, “A way to the man’s heart is through his stomach.” Making these Japanese bentos are no easy feat! But if you’re already a pro at packing lunches or are a chef, then the ones below will certainly challenge your skills and creativity. For the beginners, no worries! You can follow the link below the image above for a tutorial on how to make that bento!
Drool on, otakus.
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Can you identify these kyara-bento? Creative and delicious! But at the same time, you don’t wanna eat them up because they look so terribly good, right!?
So here’s more. And they are Rilakkuma ones.
They even come with snack time versions! Peanut butter and Nutella..! Their tutorials are in the links above.
If your beloved is a fan of pancakes and breakfasts-in-bed, you can make them pancakes! Rilakkuma pancakes!
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Well, we could go on and on and on, but it’s quite apparent after clicking on the links, you can see that they are all made by the same person. However, there are more of such blogs/tutorials, so keep looking out for them! As a bonus for scrolling all the way down here, this is a video on how to make a Pikachu bento!
We still have one more trick up our sleeves tailored just for all you loveable otakus, so read on if you don’t want to miss out!