15 Naruto Cosplays That Made Our Day
10. Gaara
Takayuki Maruyama, Osaka, Japan, Cosplay Idol 2011
Takayuki was very serious about this Gaara cosplay. The shape of her face probably plays the biggest part in helping her pull off her costume but her make-up and the details of the gourd and garment are fantastic!
9. Orochimaru
Miura Keisuke, Japan, Cosplay Idol 2011
Whoa. This is almost evil-incarnate itself staring at me. Miura is an awesome Orochimaru. I love her eye make-up! Because of that and her sly, piercing gaze, we were stupefied for a moment. Great, great job with the sash!
8. Akimichi Chouji
James Ronald Farin, Phillipines, Cosplay Idol 2012
This. Is. The. Best. Chouji. Cosplay. Ever.
7. Killer Bee
Seto Krauzer, Jakarta, Indonesia, Cosplay Idol 2012
Yo! Seto really brought Killerbee to life, you know! Kono yaro! Baka yaro! …sorry, that was really bad. But the cosplay is fantastic! It’s almost like I’m looking at a picture of a real-life Killerbee!
6. Ritual Hidan
Jace, New Jersey, USA, Cosplay Idol 2011
If we thought the Kakuzu cosplay was scary, this Hidan cosplay by Jace is terrifyingly superb! He didn’t paint himself black… he greased himself. That is some idea.
Even more awesome Naruto cosplay on the next page!