RESULTS! Otaku House Cosplay Idol 2013: Asia-Pacific Top 10
Voting for the Otaku House Cosplay Idol 2013: Asia-Pacific ended on 31st December 2013 and it is time to release the results! Yaaaay! Are you all excited? At Otaku House we are all very excited and we can’t wait to share the results for Asia-Pacific with all of you! Again, we’d like to thank everyone who had participated and voted because Cosplay Idol would not have been possible without your love and support!
First of all, congratulations to the top 10 AND to every cosplayer who participated! Congratulations for making it so far, and for creating such works of art and sharing it with otakus all over the globe! We hope that you have also taken some valuable experience home from this contest and that you are more inspired. Cosplay is great because of your time and dedication so don’t give up and keep on cosplaying!
All right, let us now present to you the Asia-Pacific Top 10 Cosplay Idols! *cheers wildly*
(all winners will be contacted in Jan 2014 after all categories’ winners have been confirmed)
10. Kim Raica
Kim Raica from Laguna, Phillipines. This sweet young girl who’s only 15 and has been cosplaying for almost 2 years is now seeing her hard work pay off! For someone so young, she has a lot of passion for cosplay and has a great attitude towards it which is why she is here!
9. Matsurikara
Matsurikara from Jakarta, Indonesia. What a great cosplay! And a fantastic spirit of cosplay! She wants to show that wearing a hijab (headwear for Muslim girls) should never stop anyone from cosplaying. With a great sense of colour and clothes’ coordination, anything is possible! Cosplay is for everyone!
8. Sheila
Sheila from Markina, Phillipines. It’s a rare sight to see girls who love mecha and robots, but Sheila however, is one such girl who made this cosplay so exceptional and fabulous! A go-getter attitude coupled with ambition, this girl is ready to take cosplay by storm!
See the Top 7 Cosplayers Next Page!