Cosplayers Around the World Feature : Dria Umbra from USA

Cosplayers Around the World

This section aims to celebrate the art of cosplay by featuring the profile of a cosplayer from different corners of the world every week.

Our first cosplayer profile feature to kick start this column is the exquisite Dria Umbra from Tennessee of USA. Dria Umbra is contesting in the North American category of the Otaku House Cosplay Idol 2011 as Jenova from Final Fantasy 7, and the beautiful depiction of ‘Mother’ captured the editor’s heart.


Full Name : Colleen Quinlan (Dria Umbra)
Age :  21
Gender : Female
Born in : Pt. Pleasant New Jersey
Date of Birth : April 10, 1990
Zodiac Sign : Aries
Height : 6’1

Chocolate or Coffee? : Chocolate all the way! I am such a sweetaholic!

More about Dria Umbra

1. At what age did you start cosplaying and how long have you been cosplaying?

I started when I was 14. I am 21 now so 7 years now and I plan to be going for much longer.

2. What inspired you to start cosplaying?

Well one of my good friends was going to AWA and needed a character for their cosplay group. I had never been to a convention and it sounded like a lot of fun so I put together a Yaone cosplay from Saiyuki with much help from my friend and went. I had so much fun i decided to never go a year without doing this again.

View more amazing photos from Dria on the next page!