Cosplayers Around the World Feature : Jia Gold from Philippines

And we have our youngest cosplayer feature yet! Check out this issue of Cosplayers Around the World on 14 year-old Pinoy cosplayer Jia Gold. Though young, Jia Gold is no stranger to winning cosplay contests. Read on!


Full Name : Jia Gold M. Bustamante
Age :
Country / state you are born in : Caloocan, Philippines
Citizenship : Filipino
Date of Birth : October 16,1996
Zodiac Sign : Libra
Height : 5’5″

Rock or Classical? : Classical
Snakes or Ladders? : Ladders

More about Jia Gold

1. At what age did you start cosplaying and how long have you been cosplaying?

I started last 2009 and I was 13 back then. This is my 2nd year in cosplaying and I’m enjoying it 🙂

2. What inspired you to start cosplaying?

My love for anime and I was also inspired by international cosplayers because they are really great in portraying an anime .

3. Which is your most difficult cosplay / most memorable cosplay and why?

My Winning costume,Kos Mos from Xenosaga Episode III. That was my most difficult cosplay because I made it 2 times.One for the Asia Cosplay Meet Philippines and one for Asia Cosplay Meet Singapore(finals) and and that was my most memorable cosplay because I was hailed as THE FINEST ASIAN COSPLAYER —the title given to the champion for the Finals in Singapore.

4. What is your next cosplay project?

My next cosplay project will be an online game.And my costume is still in progress now.

5. Tell us about some memorable experiences in your costume making.

Me and my mom make my costume.The most memorable experience was the hassle moment when the “super glue” accidentally dropped on my skin. That was very difficult to wash and remove.

6. What are some advice you would like to give to cosplay newbies?

Believe in yourself. Follow your passion and Love for Anime.

More Cosplay photos of Jia Gold