Cosplayers Around the World Feature : Hiroki Akiyoshi from Japan
This week’s Cosplayers Around the World column brings us to the home of the first Otaku(s) : Japan. Japanese cosplayer Hiroki Akiyoshi shares with us his cosplay experiences from the Land of the Sakura Trees.
Hiroki Akiyoshi was a contestant in the Otaku House Cosplay Idol 2011. To join the 2012 contest, go to:
Full Name : Hiroki Akiyoshi
Age : 18
Gender : Male
Country / state you are born in : Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa, Japan
Date of Birth : April 23, 1993
Height : 5’6
Fave Anime? : Naruto, Bleach, Shugo Chara, and Tegami Bachi Letter Bee, and Samurai Deeper Kyo.
More about Hiroki Akiyoshi
1. At what age did you start cosplaying and how long have you been cosplaying?
I started to cosplay when I was 14 years old and I’ve been cosplaying for 4 years. (^。^)
2. What inspired you to start cosplaying?
I saw Ulquiorra Schiffer from Bleach when I was 14 years old, and I love Ulquiorra and I wanted to act like him, wanted to be him for one day. Then I heard about Tokyo International Anime Fair in Tokyo so me, my mom and friends made my costume and just went there (^。^) It was very fun! \(^o^)/
View more amazing photos from Hiroki Akiyoshi on the next page!