Real-life Anime Girl is Real
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We’ve had a real-life Barbie who broke the internet back in 2012 and 2013. Soon after, a real-life anime girl brewed a huge internet storm as well. Yes, we are talking about Valeria Lukyanova the “human Barbie” and Anastasiya Shpagina the Anime Girl. Both are Ukrainian models from the same hometown. So there must be something in their water…
Right, this is old news to most of us. But at that point of time, there was a sudden booming popularity for girls with doll-like features and slim bodies. Anyway, below are some photos of the Ukrainian “doll” girls from their social media.
Boys, behave.
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This is from one of the many Valeria Lukynova fan pages. Maybe she was doing a Rapunzel photoshoot? Or a princess-y, Barbie, fairy tale photoshoot.
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This is a selfie she took and posted on VK, a Russian equivalent of Twitter, back in 2012!
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This is taken from Anastasiya’s (official?) Facebook page and it is one of her earlier appearances as Anime Girl circa 2012/2013. Blew. Us. Off. Our. Chairs. (Darn, now we have to get back up and sit on it again. *ugh*)
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And this is a super kawaii photo of Anastasiya as the pretty sailor-suited soldier Sailor Moon! You can click on the source to view her profile. You should see the Leonardo DiCaprio makeover she did! We thought it was silly – but we liked it! And the Sasuke one too. Yes, you read it right. An Uchiha Sasuke makeover (or makeup?).
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And did you know that they met? These photos are of the good ol’ days when they were pals. Unfortunately, they are no longer doll-friends.
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Barbie and Anime Girl taking a selfie! *insert Purikura stickers*
There are other girls who, like them, pursue, enjoy, and well, embody looking like a doll. Like Dakota Rose or more commonly known in Asia as Kotakoti, and Venus Palermo a.k.a VenusAngelic. The whole big-eye-long-lashes-sharp-face trend was started by the girls in Japanese animations, so what are all these girly-girls doing looking like them?
We don’t know.
But we do know that every girl wants to be pretty, and we also know the power of makeup. Here, let this video of a Taiwanese variety show enlighten you.
So, what do you think if girls like them entered cosplay competitions? We cannot deny that we need to use makeup to enhance the accuracy and to add life into the cosplay. But what about going to extreme ends such as plastic surgery to look like the characters you like? Is there a line between reality and non-reality, and if not, should a line be drawn? And wouldn’t wearing kigurumi masks be more convenient? We’d love to know what you think, so tell us in the comments box below or on our Facebook page! (Play nice! Everyone likes a friendly exchange of polite opinions. Yup. We appreciate it!)