RESULTS! Otaku House Cosplay Idol 2013: North America Top 10
3. Gina B
Gina B from Long Island, NY, USA. Tell me why this girl doesn’t deserve this place? You can’t, right? All her hard work and passion paid off , and I find her need-to-improve attitude very motivational! Congratulations!
2. Katybear
Katybear from Arizona, USA. Sweet-looking in reality, but kicks ass in cosplay. She’s the girl who turns her favourite characters into a personality – and gives her all for it! Congratulations!
1. Kimba Sprite
Kimba Sprite from Sacramento, CA, USA. She is down-to-earth, friendly, and also very dedicated to what she loves doing! Fantastic attitude and great costume-making skills, along with the time spent meticulously putting everything together, her win is absolutely justifiable. Congratulations!
Once again, congratulations to all the Top 10 winners! We hope that everyone has enjoyed their cosplay journey and will continue to inspire and create!