Facebook Compromised – Clarification on nasty posts on Facebook on 4th Dec 2013. (3pm – 11pm Eastern Time)
Dear friends of Otaku House,
As many of you have noticed, our facebook page was compromised earlier today (on 4th Dec 2013 3pm – 11pm Eastern Time), and some really nasty posts have been made in our name.
Those posts DO NOT reflect our values and we CONDEMN all those rude posts and comments made on cosplayers.
Friends and fans who have followed us throughout the years will know that we have never and will never judge a cosplayer based on their appearances.
Cosplaying is for everyone; irregardless of age, race, gender, size, and personal preferences. This is strongly reflected in the Cosplay Idol contest, which we started to embrace the fun of cosplaying for everyone in the world without borders and without prejudice.
We also read in today’s news that 2 million social media passwords including Facebook passwords have been stolen in a massive hack (link below).
Although we believe we may be one of the 2 million victims, we do not rule out the possibility that this hacking is done by an unhappy contestant who was booted from our contest due to breaking our rules. We would appreciate if anyone with a lead to a possible source to this hack could contact us so that we can help to warn other cosplay communities to watch out for malicious activity towards this sub-culture too.
We have ruled out the possibility of a rogue admin running wild as the trust level in our humble small team is strong and there are no psychos among us the last we checked.
We apologize for the late clarification as the hack happened at 4-5am in our local time, with the majority of the activity happening within an hour. After we spotted the compromise at a more human hour (for us), we have been working to restore and investigate.