For the ladies: 7 Abs-olutely Hot Cosplays from Otaku House Cosplay Idol 2013
All right, ladies! This post is for you! We have 7 amazing cosplayers who did not mind sharing with us their well-defined abs. While we were going through the photos from the contest, we could not help but stop at each photo to admire and appreciate the delicious packs of muscles. Now, ladies and gentlemen, sit back and enjoy the show.
We advise you to wear a tank top and be in a cool place.
Because you, will not want to miss out on this.
Now let’s get down to the eyecandy business!
1. Lee Sin from League of Legends
Kenneth Ting, Singapore. Ladies, turn up the A/C and try not to pass out from all this heat! His passion for cosplay is as hot as his body. Wild, strong, and manly – like how every man should be.
2. Dante from Devil May Cry 3
Leon Chiro, Rome, Italy. How could he do this to us?! How could we ever repay this gratuity?! (We will gladly be forever in your debt of hotness.)
3. Natsu Dragneel from Fairy Tail
OuriKagami, Texas, USA. We are all fired up! If he had added in some flames or fire into his portrait, our laptop screens would probably have combusted. But that’s okay, because if our screens got destroyed, we wouldn’t be able to enjoy this.
More hotties on the next page!