Cosplayers Around the World Feature : Suan Ng from Malaysia

Our first Asian cosplayer to be featured in our Cosplayers from Around the World column is the gorgeous Suan Ng from exotic Malaysia. Suan Ng is currently one of the leading contestants in her group in the Otaku House Cosplay Idol 2011 Asia & Australia category.

“Hi there, Suan Ng here 🙂 I’m a cosplayer from Malaysia, currently working as full time Illustrator cum graphic designer.”

More about Suan Ng

1. At what age did you start cosplaying and how long have you been cosplaying?

I did my 1st cosplay when i was 18, I’ve been cosplaying for 4 years now.

2. What inspired you to start cosplaying?

I always feel that I would like to dress like the character that i like since I was 8years old :P, and I always thought of how I would look like If I dressed like that. I really wanted to try on it, and that made me started on cosplaying.

View more amazing photos from Suan on the next page!