Lots of Pretty Sailor Moon Cosplay at Otaku House Cosplay Idol
Sailor Moon is the legacy created by Naoko Takeuchi that started the magical girl revolution and has had a huge following since it’s beginning in 1992. Even today, 19 years later the Sailor Moon fans are still alive as many Sailor Moon cosplayers are vying to be the number one in the Otaku House Cosplay Idol. Let’s take a look at all our “moonies” out there:
Fighting Evil By Moonlight… Winning Votes by Daylight!
All of these cosplayer did wonderful jobs on their costumes and poses, thank you for entering in to the Otaku House Cosplay Idol competition!
I would love to see some Sailor Mercury, Sailor Neptune, Sailor Saturn, Sailor Pluto, Luna, and some Tuxedo Mask/Prince Endymion cosplays so all you cosplayers who have not entered in to the competition get on that! XD
I will update this as more Sailor Moon cosplayers come along. Keep up the good work all cosplayers out there!
View all photos of the Otaku House Cosplay Idol Contest here
* This article is submitted by Akemi Yukimura and she is an external blogger who is not affiliated to Otaku House. Her views and opinons are entirely her own. To contribute articles or cover events for Otaku House, email us at iwanttoblog[@]otakuhouse.com.