Cosplayers Around the World Feature : Federica Di Nardo from Italy

In this edition of Cosplayers from Around the World, we bring you Federica from Italy, who lives near Milan; the capital of fashion and style. Federica cosplays in a broad variety of characters from various series. Federica is also currently contesting in the Otaku House Cosplay Idol 2011 competition, Europe category.

“Hello Everybody!
My name’s Federica and I’m a girl from Italy, I live in the North part, near Milan, the capital of fashion and style. I’m definitely extroverted, I love to get acquainted with people… I’m a little bit crazy and I can’t keep still…!

I’m currently attending University : International Relationships and political sciences… I would like to be a diplomatic someday 😛

Cosplay’s an important chapter of my life… I consider it my most important passion, but not the only one. I love Dungeons And Dragons and online games, I love to watch movies and to read books, I love ice skating and snowboard as well….!

Friends tell me that I always have a smile on my face..this is because I’m a very optimistic and solar girls… I always have something to do :P”


Full Name : Federica Di Nardo
Age : 23
Born in : Bergamo, Italy
Gender : Female
Date of Birth : 30-09-1988
Zodiac Sign : Libra
Height : 164 cm

Morning or Night? : Morning

More about Federica Di Nardo

1. At what age did you start cosplaying and how long have you been cosplaying?

I started my cosplay career at the age of 17, in 2005… I’ve been cosplaying for 6 years till now, and I don’t want to quit… I have so many projects on the going…

2. What inspired you to start cosplaying?

I think the will to make something of my own, to be proud of something I realized with my own hands… When you see your finished work you get a feeling of happiness and you realize that all the time you have spent it was worth 😛 Cosplay is Art and creativity, and I love this!

View more amazing photos from Federica Di Nardo on the next page!