Fate Zero X Dungeons and Dragons Alignment
(see full image below)
I had fun with the Naruto X AD&D Alignment classifying. So I decided to do one for Fate Zero too! Why Fate Zero? Because Kiritsugu is badass.
Once again, for the ill-informed, AD&D is the epic role playing game: Advanced Dungeons and Dragons. The D&D Alignment is a famous categorization for a character’s ethical (Lawful, Neutral, Chaotic) and moral (Good, Neutral, Evil) perspective.
Tell us what you think of my AD&D Alignment classification for Fate Zero by discussing below!
(See Naruto X AD&D Alignment here)
Explanation for the Alignment (*Spoilers Alert)
Lawful Good: Saber (Arthuria Pentragon)
There’s no one but a knight (or samurai) being inflexible about their anal code of honor that makes for a better ‘Lawful Good’ character. Yes, Lancer is Lawful Good too.
Lawful Neutral: Emiya Kiritsugu
Kiritsugu is lawful to his own beliefs and values, yet wouldn’t bat an eyelid at killing through unorthodox methods. I just love this kinda guys.
Check out our Dungeons and Dragons Alignment justifications for the rest of the characters on the next page!