Expotransformers 2011
Transformers is an animated program and movie trilogy aired on different countries and language since the 80’s. The story is about the eternal fight between Autobots and Decepticons, robots that can change their appearance. Lost of version have been produced, many products and toys were popular among the children because of their ingenious forms. Now…
Armors, Helmets and Cosplay Props on Cosplay Idol
Totally armored, helmets, some stylized pieces … the hole equipment for adventure. In Cosplay Idol contest lots of cosplayers around the world have upload their awesome photos of games and anime armored characters. Some ingenious materials and have made the albums lot more interesting.
Leading 30 in Cosplay Idol South / Central America Album A, June 16
So many cosplay photos, amazing locations, new and traditional characters…it´s a feast for the eyes. The first time South America is included on this contest, participants have respond from Mexico, Puerto Rico, Argentina, El Salvador, Venezuela, Ecuador, and lots more. Showing some of the latin spirit indeed. First top 5 will make to the finals…