Leading 30 for Cosplay Idol Europe Album C, Sept 9 2011
Otaku House Cosplay Idol Qualifiers will end its final category this Sunday, September 11, 2011 (ominous date?). That’s right, European Cosplay Idol contestants have a last leg to run till the Finalists are confirmed! For now, let’s take a look at who’s leading in the Top 30 in Group (C) as of 9 Sep.
You have one last chance to squeeze to to the Top 5!! Till Sep 11 we count again!
30. Kerstin as “Panty from Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt”
Country: Rheinland-Pfalz, Germany
My comments: A very classy photo. Would be a perfect duo if you have a Stocking.
29. Daniele Valtorta as Prof. Remus Lupin from “Harry Potter Movie”
Country: Milan (EU), Italy
My comments: Face features look alike but why are your eyes closed?
28. Kirae as Athena from “Angelic Layer”
Country: Paris, France
My comments: This looks magnificent, I like the glaring lighting and the location very much.
27. Prince as Noctis Lucius Caelum from “Final Fantasy”
Country: Szczecin, Poland
My comments: This is quite an amazing shot, I like the blade. 8Kg of real steel and word pretty incredible.
26. Gundiriel as Mistress of Pain from “Diablo III”
Country: Belgium
My comments: Looks wicked, a close-up shot would be better. Costume is indeed epic
25. CalamityJade as Iracebeth the Red Queen from movie “Alice in Wonderland”
Country: Palazzo Pfanner, Lucca (Italy)
My comments: Angle is little dodgy giving it a creepy effect. Fantastic shot thou, the facial expression!
24. Pinku-chan as Black★Rock Shooter from “Black★Rock Shooter”
Country: Winterthur, Switzerland
My comments: Niceeeee
23. Seith as Ezio Auditore Da Firenze from “Assassin’s Creed II”
Country: Paris, France
My comments: This is actually quite cool, like the details on the costume. Pretty fantastic
22. Fabiano Valentino as Ulquiorra segunda etapa from “Bleach”
Country: Rome, Italy
My comments: This is dope, utmost respect for the amount of make-up you used. Thumbs up
21. Dombois Natalie as Onion Knight from “Final Fantasy Dissidia”
Country: Frankfurt, Germany
My comments: Adorable Onion Knight there, the props look solid. I somehow like the angle of the shot taken.
20. Elffi as Vash the Stampede from “Trigun”
Country: Vaasa, Finland
My comments: 4m tall massive angel arm nicely done up. Salute to that
19. Arulithia as Madame Red from “Kuroshitsuji”
Country: NRW, Germany
My comments: Red red red, even the eyes are red in color. Photo is beautiful
18. AuraRinoa as Shadow Lady from “Shadow Lady“
Country: Italy, Europe
My comments: I like the theme of this photo. Would say the costume, props, location and pose are to the dot!
17. Mareike as Okama Queen Emporio Ivankov from “One Piece”
Country: Germany
My comments: A fanciful and detailed cosplay. Looks lovely, Ivankov *death wink*
16. Audrey Pertuisot as Yuna from “Finaly Fantasy X-2”
Country: Paris, France
My comments: A berserker outfit, she fits the role of Yuna pretty well. Adorable
15. -Cage as Nnoitra Jiruga from “Bleach”
Country: Bonn, Germany
My comments: You missed out his huge smile. The pose is very much a killer!
14. Dinotiste as Blade master in Dragyuros set From “Monster Hunter Frontier”
Country: Belgium
My comments: Intensively done, very artistry and detailed work there. It’s outstanding, you have the blade master stance.
13. Alexandre Lourenço as The Prowler from “Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood”
Country: Montereau-Fault-Yonne, France
My comments: This is badass!
12. Marta Micheli as Mirana, The White Queen from “Alice in Wonderland (2010)”
Country: Pisa, Italy
My comments: The resemblance is uncanny, hard to differentiate between you two!
11. Manuel D’Andrea as Edward from “Edward Scissorhands” (1990)
Country: Rome, Italy
My comments: One of my favourite movie, can say that you look pretty much like him especially your expression and emotion depicted.
10. Reisan as Azure Kite from “.hack//G.U.“
Country: Catalonia, Spain
My comments: Tri edge, tri edge the main antagonist of Rebirth!
9. Kristine Dinglasan as Lucy Heartfilia from “Fairy Tail”
Country: Bayern, Germany
My comments: The addition of Happy made it looks enchanting.
8. Lin as Ayanami Rei from “Neon Genesis Evangelion”
Country: Rheinland Pfalz, Germany
My comments: Gorgeous Plugsuit there and it matches with the greeny background
7. Ginevra Fusari as Poison Ivy from “Batman”
Country: Macerata
My comments: Somehow this gives me a bollywood feel of Poison Ivy, it’s a little extreme (the details) but in a good way!
6. Leandro Martins as Cain Nightroad from “Trinity Blood”
Country: Lisboa, Portugal
My comments: *roll eyes* this is just way too amazing. Looking at the 24wings and costume, it surely took up much efforts. Like the compatible background too!
5. Aka as Lelouch Lamperouge from “Code Geass”
Country: Poland , Breslau
My comments: Gorgeous shot of the cape, and the matching flight of stairs
4. DreaM HunteR as Sakura from “Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle”
Country: Poland, Warsaw
My comments: The dirtied dress actually goes pretty good with the location of the shot. A tinge of Sakura feel!
3. Etienne H. as Sephiroth from “Final Fantasy Advent Children”
Country: Hamburg, Germany
My comments: Looks exactly like Sephiroth, don’t you agree?
2. Shappi as Lenneth from “Valkyrie Profile”
Country: Poland
My comments: That’s an awesome wings and the face features look pretty alike.
1. Daniela Maiorana as The Devil from “Sakizou’s Art: Sign That Glitters”
Country: Italy, Bologna
My comments: So many beautiful details to this, pretty gorgeous!