[Rankings OHCI 2012] Top 25 Cosplay in Asia Pacific Album B – August 2012
Like last year, the Asia Pacific of the Otaku House Cosplay Idol 2012 has its cosplayer representatives on a gridlock as many have captivated the hearts of many viewers and now competing in a close fight to enter the semi-finals. Now, these numbers and rankings are not final which is why it is up to you guys, the viewers, to vote for your picks and rally your support.
Remember the top 5 goes into the next round. Here are the current top 25 cosplayers for Asia Pacific B as of August 11, 2012.
Otaku House Cosplay Idol 2012 Accepting New Entries!
Otaku House Cosplay Idol is still accepting new entries. Click here for details on how to join the contest. Voting for this and all other groups are also still open so you can still head out to cheer them on.
Congratulations to the cosplayers included in this list, you guys deserved this honor. These are the Top 25 now, who will be still here at the end?
Tied to 25: Narcissa Lily as Princess Sakura from Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles
Country: Australia
Comments: WOW! Just so WOW! The wind effect, the staff, the background and the entire photo makes me speechless! It’s like its cut out of the Reproductions Album!
Oliver Ong as Zidane Tribal from Final Fantasy IX/Dissidia
Country: Philippines
Comments: Nice profile photo for Zidane, just like his profile for the game. I also like the daggers since you included the engraves on them. Hope you try out this cosplay in a different background similar to his background in the original series.
24: Yivon as Victorique from Gosick
Country: Singapore
Comments: Another porcelain-doll like photo and this time, makes me think of the Alice in Wonderland series and those related to it. I think if you add a doll, she would look like those porcelain dolls. She also looks innocent in the photo.
Tied to 22- 23 RB Cheng as EZ-021 Deathsaurer from Zoids
Country: Philippines
Comments: If you would have asked me what my first impression to this cosplay was, I would have said this was more of an exhibit in the famed Mind Museum in the Philippines rather than a cosplay. It looks very sleek and authentic to be called a cosplay! Excellent work on the realistic side of this zoid!
Nicolas Tan as Kusunoki Yukimura from Boku wa Tomodachi ga Sukunai
Country: Singapore
Comments: I have still yet to get a copy of this series but I must say I like the cosplay, doesnt look like a cross to me which is why I give you a congratulations for making me think you were a girl in this cosplay. The ribbons part… um makes me think of those puppets or a gift ^^
21: Shannie Okonomiyaki as Kagamine Len from Vocaloid: Setsugetsuka
Country: Singapore
Comments: Just like a doll! The eyes, expression, the photo and those eyes… KYAAA! I must have you as my doll! CUTE!!! EYECANDY!!
20: Nicole Yakumi Lubiano as Kagamine Rin from Vocaloid
Country: Philippines
Comments: Rin is very famous in this block as here is the first of the ones included in the block. This time, she’s playing in a concert with her simple and adorable persona. Heels are defintely deadly though… so high
19: Nio Tan as Anarchy Stocking from Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt
Country: Brunei Darussalam
Comments: Adorable! Those eyes just makes one melt due to its somewhat-innocent nature. The lollipop just makes me crave for sweets X_x
18: Ayako Sayuri as Tachibana Kanade from Angel Beats!
Country: Singapore
Comments: Simple, mesmerizing and mysterious. Simply a photo to admire a lot. Expression is also excellent because it gives you that innocent but mysterious aura.
17: Ryousuke Akaisuki as Kaito Shion from Vocaloid
Country: Philippines
Comments: Remembering his entry from last year, this cosplayer’s take of Kaito goes back in time. I love the expression you used here and it reminds one of those gentlemen fixing their cuffs from the 14th century. I just could not help but wonder about the ring… isnt that from another series or its just me
Tied to 15-16: Jaccs as Alexiel from Angel Sanctuary
Country: Vietnam
Comments: Like the series is known to be, this photo shows the character’s somewhat gothic side and those tattoos are just wow! I wish I could do those tattoos. Kinda find it scary to stare at this photo… those eyes can kill
valxonia as Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid: Project Diva 2nd
Country: Thailand
Comments: Vocaloid meets Little Red Riding Hood with a twist! Excellent! remixed versions of Miku is always a pleasure to see and this one is just a darling! Can I keep you as a doll?
14: James Ronald Farin as Chouji Akimichi from Naruto: Shippuden
Country: Philippines
Comments: AWWW! Truly a Chouji cosplay I definitely love! Although his food choices makes me hungry for ramen! You have got to tell me where you did this photoshoot! Those ramen looks like heaven! *Switches to Kaze Ramen-addiction mode* RAMEN!!!
Tied to 12-13: Satoshi Miyako as Shaymin from Pokemon
Country: Singapore
Comments: Breathtaking. I suggest you try this out on a field or with a background with clear skies. Nonetheless, I love how adorable you look here ^^
Angel Ayanami as Feyris Nyan Nyan from Steins’ Gate
Country: Philippines
Comments: Love this photo a lot! It makes you want to come with her wherever and just fall in love with her sweet smile. I also love the lighting of this photo, it truly focuses on the character ^^
11: Camille Iora as Yuzuriha Inori from Guilty Crown
Country: Singapore
Comments: The iconic symbol of the Guilty Crown series is becoming one of the favorites in the competition and I must say this cosplay is one of the best ones I have seen so far. I love your commentary “Which path will you chose?” Indeed a mystery one cannot truly say for certain
Check out the Top 10 Cosplayers in the Otaku House Cosplay Idol (Asia Pacific Album B) on the next page