[Rankings OHCI 2012] Top 25 in North America Group B – August 2012
The North American edition of the Otaku House Cosplay Idol 2012 is heating up quite nicely as the North Americans and the Canadians introduce their own roster of talented cosplayers for the season. Now, this is only the mid-tally for the competition so this ranking is still going to change. Remember, keep voting for your favorites and rally up your support.
Remember the top 5 goes into the next round. Here are the current top 25 cosplayers for North America Album B as of August 6, 2012.
Otaku House Cosplay Idol 2012 Accepting New Entries!
Otaku House Cosplay Idol is still accepting new entries. Click here for details on how to join the contest. Voting for this and all other groups are also still open so you can still head out to cheer them on.
Congratulations to the cosplayers included in this list, you guys deserved this honor. These are the Top 25 now, who will be still here at the end?
25: Nicole Hruska as Bubble Head Nurse from Silent Hill
Country: USA
Comments: Beginning this group’s top 25 is this well-loved and yet scary nurse from the Silent Hill series. Man… i commend all the cosplayers who can make scary characters come to life… *runs away for dear life*
24: Hayley as Hoshino Yumemi from Planetarian ~Chiisana Hoshi no Yume~
Country: USA
Comments: I agree that the character is never really cosplayed that much considering my experience throughout CosIdol ’11 and I have to say this cosplayer gave justice to this character. Love the costume and love the smile. She looks cute *wink*
23: Danielle Fontenot as Rapunzel from Disney’s Tangled
Country: USA
Comments: I love the smile… definitely the smile! Try doing this character in a different setting and good cam too. Would love to see your smile clearer next time!
22: Katelyn as Megara or Meg from Hercules
Country: USA
Comments: Wow, saw Snow White from the European division, Rapunzel from the previous number, and now I’m seeing Meg! This lovely human who got the heart of the strongest hero looks at peace in this photo. Simple but straight to the point, definitely Greek!
21: Arisa Fujiwara as Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid: Secret Black Vow
Country: Canada
Comments: Love the gown, love the background. Excellent photo of the goddess herself. Would have loved to see the gown on front ^^
20: Tionniel as Madara Uchiha from Naruto: Shippuden
Country: Canada
Comments: The first Uchiha to gain EMS graces the countdown with the Katon: Gokakyu no Jutsu technique. While I hate his character in the manga, you have to admit he’s one heck of an Uchiha to mess with
19: Morisa9 as Gohan from Dragonball Z
Country: USA
Comments: Ah! The young Son Gohan appears in Cosplay Idol 2012 like his father, uncle, and mentor. What I like about this cosplay is the fact that the hair doesnt look too stiff or too fake. It looks natural and definitely like the eyes here. You got it correctly!
18: MangaFreak150 as Black Heart from Hyperdimension Neptunia
Country: USA
Comments: This photo reminds me of Priss Asagiri, Darkstalkers, BRS, Bayonetta and GITS all in one! Excellent form right here. Love the claws… rawr!
17: K’dawn as Catherine from Catherine
Country: USA
Comments: While I dont know this series, I do like how this photo excludes beauty and uniqueness
16: Euphoria as Aerith Gainsborough from Final Fantasy VII
Country: USA
Comments: Ahh, this photo reminds me of Aerith in Crisis Core before she met Cloud. Would have loved to see her alternate costume in this shot but heck, she looks so peaceful here… she even looks like she’s dreaming about her wedding ^^
15: Sam Ransdell as Dark Mousy from DN Angel
Country: USA
Comments: In all my posts in OH last year and this year, I never thought I’d see my ultimate crush as part of Cosplay Idol’s tallies! Fangirl moment!!!! Love the facial expression and heck, you even got the hair right! Next time, try out his numerous getups from the manga… hihihi
14: ValNika as Rinoa Heartily from Final Fantasy VII
Country: USA
Comments: Ahh, aside from Squall, I love Rinoa! You just have to notice that all of the FF girls have the same innocent but somewhat fighting aura in them… but Rinoa is just an angel… except when she’s holding a weapon
13: Christine Sprankle as Elspeth Tirel from Magic the Gathering
Country: United States
Comments: One of the hit card game series enters the fray for this years cosplay idol. I never did get to understand the card game itself, but i love the characters since it reminds me of good old medieval stories.
12: Lycorisa as Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid: Camellia
Country: USA, Louisiana
Comments: Ahh, one of my favorite Hatsune Miku cosplays right here. She looks so innocent and excellent handwork right here, headpiece is to die for
11: Garp Stavo Sauce as Knight of Ni from Monty Python and the Holy Grail
Country: USA, California
Comments: The first thing that came into my mind is those old Camelot stories and when i looked at the series, I was right. I kinda find this photo reminiscent of those knights rallying their troops after one heck of a victory.
Check out the Top 10 Cosplayers in the Otaku House Cosplay Idol (North America Album B) on the next page