[Rankings OHCI 2012] Top 25 Cosplay in Europe Album B- August 2012
10: Kotori as Morrigan Aensland from Marvel vs Capcom 3/Darkstalkers
Country: France
Comments: While I like to see this cosplay on full body in one photo, J’aime l’expression. The uncertainty in that smile gives out a mysterious feeling.
9: TsukiHoshi as Saber Lily from Fate/Unlimited Codes
Country: Italy
Comments: Finally I see a Saber cosplay for the rankings! I love this version of Saber because it does remind you of the Camelot stories of the great King Arthur and I love how simple and elegant the costume is. I am actually trying to budget one of the figmas of this exact form. Hope you try other Saber costumes next time!
8: TidusSurya as Seigfried Schtauffen from SoulCalibur IV
Country: Italy
Comments: Out of this world cosplay from the SoulCalibur franchise right here coz Seigfried here looks like his armor is really made out of pure ice! Excellent work! I guess that is made out of blue plastic and molded into the armor?
7: Alexander Hawkins as Pain (Deva Path) from Naruto Shippuden
Country: Bulgaria
Comments: One of the most accurate cosplays of Deva Path and I love how you made those piercings look so real! Pain-sama!!! No! Yahikoo!!!
6: Chibi as Rapunzel from Tangled
Country: France
Comments: Awww, this photo makes me think this has been a part of the movie. Kinda makes you think she adorably fell asleep there while dreaming she’s chasing Eugene with a frying pan. Cute!
5: Livia Shinju as Athena from Saint Seiya
Country: Romania
Comments: One of the rare cosplays from the Saint Seiya franchise if I do say so myself. Excellent work on the armor because knowing the basis character of this cosplay, the armor should be quite intricate. Of course one should give justice to this character considering who she embodies in reality
4: Manuel D’Andrea as The Mad Hatter from Alice in Wonderland
Country: Italy
Comments: For a minute there I thought I’m looking at Johnny Depp’s photo for the movie. Excellent makeup, hair and background! Definitely one of my favorite cosplays from the series!
3: Irina Tsapreva as Maka Albarn from Soul Eater
Country: Bulgaria
Comments: Excellent use of photo editing to give Maka a mysterious feel. It makes you think Maka’s after your head in the cold European nights XD I also commend the scythe, it was done perfectly.
2: Yue as Teru from Versailles
Country: Hungary
Comments: Love this photo, love the expression and the costume! I actually thought you are Teru when I first saw your photo! Give me your autograph!!! Teru-sama!!!! Autograph kudasaiiii!!!
1: Elettra Di Curzio as Insane Black Rock Shooter from Black Rock Shooter
Country: Italy
Comments: Wicked is the term I would like to use with this photo as the weaponry itself is out of this world! One can only get to see this type of armory for the BRS series in figmas, making it a rare cosplay to behold. Excellent work! And congratulations for topping the second division of the European block midtally!
Otaku House Cosplay Idol is still accepting new entries. Click here for details on how to join the contest.